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Do you sometimes write passive agressive emails without knowing it? Then this Outlook plug-in is for you.

I learned early on in my career that when someone pisses you off, and you have a loaded, cocked email program in your hand no good usually comes from it. This is even more prevalent in the age of iPhones and Blackberries where the handiness of the weapon is literally holstered on your hip like a 6-gun.

I have been known in my history to fire off a flaming response on occasion. I have no doubt, that at sometime in my career, I have been passed over for promotion or missed out on an opportunity because I stepped into a pile of unnecessary shit. I'm sure I have had a boss that has said "I like the guy, but man, on occasion he doesn't seem to have a filter"

Yes, I have utilized the tried and true techniques, and they seem to work for the most part. When I'm really mad, I count to ten, wait until the next day to respond, re-read my response, etc. I have gotten pretty good at ensuring that I don't send something blatantly offensive unless I actually intend to. Lately, however I seem to be doing it unintentionally. My verbiage seems innocent enough and is meant to make a point or initiate action where apathy seems to prevail. Alas, however, I inadvertently offend someone and that festers into issues.

Enter ToneCheck, an Outlook plugin that sits on the bottom corner of your outgoing email messages and silently reads them as you pound away at the keyboard. Say something that might not be taken in the best light and it flags you with a scale of five red lines. I know I'm no Ms. Manners, but if this thing can keep me from stepping into a pile of poop... it's worth every penny! (BTW it's fee)

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