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I'm Moving To Hawaii!


Well, After trudging away in the corporate world for 25 years, and raising a family, my wife and I now find ourselves as empty nesters. Thus begins the next chapter in our lives.

Since both of the girls are off to college, we have some time to enjoy life and explore the world, before we are dragged back into reality by the birth of grandkids, or some other mundane thing, like having to get a real job again. As a result we have decided that now is the time to explore, have some fun, and enjoy life for a while.

It has always been a plan of ours to 'retire' to someplace warm and sunny. We just can't figure out where… We have always liked the beach and being landlocked all our lives, take any, and every opportunity to get to a beach someplace and stick our big toes into the ocean. For those that have been following along on this blog, this is clearly indicated by the number of cruise vacations we have taken over the last several years.

In an effort to figure out where we eventually want to retire to permanently, our plan was to rent a furnished condo in some beachy town and spend six months exploring. That way we can actually get to know the location, and explore more than just the touristy stuff you do when you are on vacation there for a week or two. We had thought about Jacksonville Beach Fl, possibly the gulf coast of Florida or even Puerto Vallarta. 

Last year in April, we celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary and I had always promised Colleen that I would take her to Hawaii. So for our 20th, we did a vow renewal on the beach on Oahu and took, of coarse, a Hawaii cruise where we got a chance to explore all of the islands.  If you missed the post and picks… you can see them here.

On the cruise we spent a day in both Kona and Hilo on the big island. Something about Kona just spoke to us. As a result we have decided that that is where we will start our journey. We have both quit our jobs, and are busy packing up all of our stuff to put into storage.

The plan at this point is to go with nothing but a couple of suitcases and the Jeep. We are going to drive to LA and drop the jeep off at the Matson shipping terminal and hop on an airplane. With any luck at all, the jeep should arrive two weeks later. We have rented a vacation condo right on the beach, and that will be home for at least the first 90 days or so while we explore and decide where on the island we want to live for the rest of the year.

We have found a bunch of great houses on Craigslist but it is just too hard to make a long term commitment to something without actually seeing it first. The countdown begins…. we should be there the beginning of March!  In the interim, as always, I will likely be blogging about the whole thing. Hopefully anyhow. since it appears I have not blogged for more than six months. Something tells me I will have some time on my hands.

Even Colleen is getting into the blogging spirit! She has decided that she is going to take up photography and take a class or two at the local community college once there - and blog about her hawaii experiences and post a bunch of photos. Stay tuned for that. 

well, Aloha for now! - more soon.


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