Kona Blog - 10 days in - the good and the bad.

My first 10 days here have been completely fantastic. This place truly is paradise. I can't imagine why anyone would want to live anywhere else. The fears about everything being incredibly expensive are mostly unfounded. - Sure there are some things that are outrageous compared to home. But for the most part - if you stay out of the mega resorts bars, and shop smartly, there is not a huge difference. Gas on the street is $4.55 currently, but only $4.19 at Costco, We have found that produce in the grocery stores is higher (3.99 for a head of iceberg lettuce) - but there are farmers markets all over where the prices are normal. It just necessitates dispersing your shopping between 3-4 places rather then just running down to King Soopers for everything.
So far we have traveled up and down the entire west coast of the Big Island from North to South tip, exploring various beaches, restaurants and bars. Highlights include '69' beach - named thusly due to being across from the 69 mile marker. We also met a great couple in our complex, Debbie and Todd, who introduced us to the Kona Brew Pub. - Needless to say the Kona Coffee Porter is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!. I had to buy a two liter growler to take home, but it did not last long. - Thank goodness it is re-fillable!
We did experience a bit of a scare last night - well, Colleen did anyhow, as we discovered this little critter cursing across our bedroom floor. Apparently these centipedes are pretty common in Hawaii and can provide a vastly little bite - equivalent to a bee sting, if you don't check your shoes before you put them on. The Hawaiian people say it can feel like a gun shot… I hope not - lets try to avoid that particular experience. Our new little friend - a four inch wily little sucker that was VERY quick if I might say so myself, has been safely deposited in the bushes WAY down the block.
Colleen is a little homesick after ten days - but mostly for our stuff. We are in a vacation condo, still driving a rental car until Jethro the Jeep arrives next week. Its harder then we thought hanging out on 'someone else's' couch and sleeping in someone else's bed. It just feels like vacation. We may have to think again about bringing a shipping container here. We both miss our big bed and a comfy couch that you can sprawl out on. - Home appears to be where your stuff is - and although we are here - our stuff is still in a storage shed in CO. - Don't get me wrong. We're not headed back anytime soon! - but I also miss being able to cook with some decent kitchen equipment. More than I thought I would.
On a very positive note, Colleen and I were meandering down the main street on our second or third day here, and of corse we had to go into the Wyland gallery. Those who have been to our house know he is one of our favorite artists and we have 6 or 7 pieces from him. Colleen was resistant, because when ever we hit a Wyland gallery - we usually end up spending a bunch of time there, and walk out with something expensive. She did not want to get piece number 8. Well as it turned out, we did spend a fair bit of time in the place, chatting with the gallery director, a very nice lady named Jill, who in the end, offered Colleen an job!
The plan was not to work for the first few months, but if something falls in our lap - especially something fun and new like a gallery job - you can't pass it up. Colleen goes back for an official interview today. Wish her luck! I still have to work through my reciprocity with the state, in order to practice here. That should take about 90-120 days. Most everyone we have spoken to tells us getting a healthcare job on the island should not be a problem for me once thats complete, as the island is short staffed. Meanwhile I will likely volunteer for an organization I found that is working to deal with the feral cat population on the island. - its a pretty big problem here with several colonies in the resort areas as well as up on Mouna Kea.
This weekend we will likely head over to the Hilo side for some more exploration. There is just so much to explore and do - however much of it requires a four wheel drive. Jethro can't get here soon enough. The vehicle tracking page that the shipping provider has, says he is currently over in Honolulu and will be on the big island in a few days. I hope his trip was uneventful across the pacific. - He's and island jeep now!
Well - thats enough for now on this rainy Kona morning. As always, more photo journal below.
I liked this pic of some lava from 69 beach - if you look, it appears to be a dragons head resting on the sand.
Hanging out on 69 beach. - still can't pry that iPhone from my hands…..
Headed up the side of Mauna Loa looking back at the Kona coast
Looking out over the Pololu coast on the north side of the island
The foggy Pololu valley
Pano of the whole area. I love this iPhone feature.
These guys were parked out right on the side of the road right at the end of the trail head for Pololu valley - waiting for passers by to bring them an apple
At the beach near Hawi, several locals had just come in from and afternoon fishing on their jet skis. Colleen took picktue of this 'little' fish they caught.
Just hanging out of for the day at Honl's beach. This is the one directly below our condo and is about a 2 minute walk.
Honl's beach again - I got in trouble for taking this picture…..
It would not be a Hawaii blog post without the obligatory sunset shot.
This was our view from the restaurant lanai at the Mauna Lani resort - where the expensive drinks are….
Hard to complain when this is what I have done for the last 10 days…. but as I re-read this blog post - it appears i'll find a way!
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