Goodbye Colorado - thanks for the sendoff!

This last week has been quite a challenge. For those following along, we are in the process of moving to Hawaii. We have been busy packing and purging stuff and had planned to have a big garage sale to get rid of years of accumulated household junk. Colorado, however, had a different plan. Having lived here all of our lives, we should have known better then to try to plan a move for the end of February. Needless to say because of the cold snap, all the garage sale stuff went to goodwill instead. We got ourselves all packed up and ready to rent the truck because we had additional help last Sunday. - Of course, we ended up with six inches of snow….
With not much choice, we rented the truck anyway, and started loading it about 9am. By the time we hit storage at about 1, we were in a full fledged blizzard. - we got it done, and a huge thank you to Josh - and my Daughters boyfriend Michael for putting up with miserable conditions to try to load a storage shed. When we finally finished about 3;30 - the icing on the cake was getting the U-Haul truck stuck in a drift at the storage facility lot. -
Thank god I had a good Jeep and a tow rope. We pulled it out - and fishtailed the empty truck back to U-Haul all the way down Buckley road.
Thursday morning we pulled out of Denver headed west. - A beautiful Colorado day with bright sunshine. - until we hit I-70 at Floyd hill. Road construction and one lane traffic intermittently all the way to the tunnel let us crawl at 15 miles per hour.
I'm not sure if Colorado was trying to tell us not to go - or just giving us a memorable sendoff….
We love you Colorado - but we won't be missing the snow and traffic anytime soon!
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